Living out our purpose
Our Company
About Us
Lak Nature was created with a clear vision of engaging out grower communities in Sri Lanka to create premium quality natural food products through innovation and creativity.
Our founder, Lakmini Weerakkody is a pioneering female entrepreneur in the food processing industry of Sri Lanka. Being a women-owned business, over 90% of our workers are women. Lak Nature has over the years fostered relationships with small-scale women farmers at grassroots level which sparked an immediate transfer of agricultural skills and knowledge to many women in the community. By supporting Lak Nature, you are investing in women's economic empowerment, creating vibrant communities, and contributing to Sri Lanka’s economic growth.
Years of experience
Innovative products
% female community -based business
When economically empowered women reinvest in their communities, it causes a ripple effect leading to greater food security, self-reliance and prosperity.

Lak Nature International provides the rural community women with decent jobs, high-quality agricultural training, the right working conditions and fair wages.

We have observed that when the community women’s revenue increases, school enrolment rises, family health and nutrition also improve. At Lak Nature International, we reinvest beyond the walls of the company into the wellbeing of our network of rural women farmers and employees.
Increasing women’s access to agricultural knowledge and inputs.
Expanding the women’s role in the supply chain.
Enhancing gender equality in the workplace.

Meet Our Team

Our Vision Mission
Enhance food security by engaging out grower communities to create a healthy, nutritious, premium quality food solutions to our consumers.
Providing food accessibility and convenience using innovative, preservative methods for health-conscious people seeking natural food solutions suitable for any occasion.

Work as a Team

We treat all our suppliers as our extended family | We develop long term relationships with our customers | We grow together with our employees

Inspire Excellence

We create value though innovation and creativity to stakeholders | We strive to create exciting food solutions/experiences for our customers | We continuously improve quality of our products

Navigate Future

We contribute to ensure food security to people around the world | We encourage and help to maintain and create new green environment | We contribute economy of nation

Customer Testimonials

Standards & Certifications