Ambaralla Chutney
A tangy and sweet chutney made from the pulp of ripe ambaralla fruits, Ambaralla Chutney is a popular condiment in Sri Lankan cuisine. It is typically prepared by cooking the fruit pulp with sugar, vinegar, and spices, resulting in a flavorful and versatile chutney that pairs well with rice and curry dishes, as well as bread and crackers.
Health Benefits
  • Ambaralla, rich in vitamins A and C, is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a nutritional powerhouse.
  • These vitamins are known for their role in supporting the immune system, promoting healthy skin, and aiding vision health.
  • The chutney's spice mix contributes to potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, derived from ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, and mustard seeds.
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Ambaralla Chutney can be enjoyed in numerous ways. It pairs well with traditional Sri Lankan rice and curry, where its tangy sweetness adds a pleasant contrast to spicy curries. It also serves as a delightful condiment alongside bread or crackers, adding a tropical twist to sandwiches or cheese plates.

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Amberella, Sugar, Ceylon spices, Salt